AFFILIATION CHARGES after having completed all the formalities the below charges shall be deposited in the office by Cash or Bank Account in favour of Early Childhood Care& Education as security. Institute at the time of having affiliation.
1. The application in printed Letter Head is to be submitted to “The Director, Early Childhood Care& Education " along with security fee (Refundable)
5,000 /-.
2. Affiliation fee of Rs.15000 /- (Rupees Fifteen thousand only). Normally affiliation is granted for one year if otherwise there is no specific reason.
3. Renewal of affiliation fee is Rs. 8000 /- (Rupees Eight thousand only).
4. Physical verification of institute after affiliation. Physical verification Charge Rs. 10000/-(Rupees Ten Thousands).
Necessary document For Affiliation
Basic Infrastructures:
i. Class Room :-
Classroom for 25 students (minimum area 225 Sq. ft) should have proper ventilation, well-illuminated black board / white board and availability of adequate furniture and ceiling fan.
ii. Lab:-
The Lab for 25 students should be at least 25 x 20 ft. with adequate lighting and exhaust Fans or sealing fans. The Lab should have the following tools/ equipment / apparatus or material for practical training:- Tools/ Equipment/ Apparatus or requirements of material for Practical Training. Quantity
1 Charts and modal (Relating Human Anatomy and Physiology i.e. heart, kidney, eye, ear etc.) 10 (min)
2 Spots i.e. heart,kidney,eye, ear ,bones etc. and slides i.e. Slides or RBC , WBC, malarial parasite etc. 20 (min)
3 B.P. Instrument 10
4 Stethoscope 10
5 Thermometer 25
6 Glucometer 7
7 Weighing Machine 5
8 First Aid Box 10
9 Splints Structure 1
10 Facility for food preservation (refrigeration/fridge) 1
11 Nutrients calculation chart 1
12 Human Skeletons 1
13 Bandage & Dressing articles 2 pkt. each
14 Coloured television , Computer Pentium 4 with printer,VCD, PA system 1 each
15 Facility for Yogasans, Pranayam , Shatkarmi.e Mats, Jalnetilota,Sutraneti ,Jag etc. As required
iii. Physical Facilities:-
The Institution should have the facilities for drinking water, Bathroom & Toilets (Toilets for Ladies & Gents separately)
iv. Library:-
Library should have a minimum 20 books/articles/magazines etc. related to subject.
iv. Clinical Facilities:-
The clinic/hospital should have the following minimum facilities:
• OPD Facility
• Dressing Facility
Or institution may be attached with reputed clinic/hospital and it should have the certification for collaboration.
The clinic/hospital will be inspected at time of inspection.
v. Faculty and supporting staff:-
Faculty and supporting staff Educational/Professional Qualification No.
Co-ordinator Graduate 01
Instructor M.Sc. (Zoology)/Life Science or B.Sc. (ZBC) Group with 2 years of experience 01
Medical Doctor (Naturopath - Part- time) Degree/Diploma in Naturopathy from reputed Institution 01
Lab Assistant Relevant to job 01
Assistant Relevant to job 01
Receptionist cum Clerk Relevant to job 01
Batch Size-
Maximum 25 students in one batch. An institution can run maximum 2 batches for this course.